Physical Sciences and Engineering

Hg2+-fluorescent probe based on naphthalimide derivative

Naphthalimide has been widely used in probe research because of its unique structure. Therefore, using naphthalimide as matrix, a compound P was obtained by the reaction of pyridine-2-formaldehyde with naphthalimide derivative. Among the tested metal ions, the addition of Hg2+ to the solution of P in ethanol quenched the fluorescence of P at 525 nm, and a linear relationship between fluorescent intensity tothe concentration of Hg2+ in the range of 2.0×10-6-1.6×10-5 M was observed.

Design of a voip multimedia communication platform and model optimization by engineering for local companies in lubumbashi

In this paper we present a java implementation of video telephony using the SIP protocol (Session Initiation Protocol). After a functional analysis of the SIP protocol and based on the work of researchers of the University Italian (University of parma-Italy) (University of parma-Italy)to acquire adequate libraries for the development of our communication tool.

Assessment of seawater flux and its impact on ayetoro coastal community of ondo state, Nigeria

Climate change impact had given rise to incessant flooding exacerbated by high tidal fluctuations, sea level rise and its accompanying negative impacts such as land degradation and seawater incursion into freshwater sources. Hence, the need to assess the hydrochemistry and anthropogenic pollutants in water, sediment and representative fish samples of Aiyetoro coastal waters.

Evaluation of the treatment of non-union and / or pseudoarthrosis of long bones in the orthopedic service of cemenav in a period from january 2016 to january 2019

Introduction: A pseudoarthrosis is established after a minimum of nine months after the trauma without progressive visible signs of consolidation for three months1.

The environmental awareness in Ṛgvedic period

Environment is an un avoidable part of human life. The are Vedas gives various references in the environmental protection, ecological balance, weather cycles, rainfall phenomena, hydrologic cycle, etc. The protection of the environment was understood to be closely related to the protection of the heavens and earth. Many of the Ṛgvedic hymns therefore vividly describe the Heaven and Earth together.

Correlación entre las lesiones de abfracción y estrés laboral del personal militar con bruxismo, que participa en operaciones de alto impacto de la secretaría de marina

Introduction. The relationship between abfraction lesions and work stress is an important condition nowadays in military personnel with bruxism, who participate in high impact operations. Methods. 124 marines underwent a self-assessment to recognize if they had bruxism, degree of abfraction, Perceived Stress (PSS) and Self-Reported Bruxism (SRB). These variables were statistically analyzed with the PSPP program. Results: 73% of the sample reported having bruxism. 35.5% of the sample reported severe abfraction, 26.6% moderate abfraction.

Intervenciones del personal de enfermeria para el mantenimiento de la termorregulacion del recien nacido sano

Introduction: Temperature regulation is vital for the survival and stability of the newborn (RN), its care and control by the nursing staff allows control of the environment, transfer and nursing interventions, therefore, the Romeo-November code has been created in the Mexican Navy. General objective: Identify nursing interventions in the Healthy RN during the Romeo - November code, in maintaining thermoregulation and identifying risk factors that favor the appearance of complications.

Process and energy optimisation – a case study of ub fgr fanat captive power plant of nrl

The old saying “Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better……. The noblest search is the search for excellence.” – An integrated approach to achieve continuous improvement and reach towards excellence in Utility Boiler Operation. This paper highlights the case study carried out regarding the successful trial run of the Flue Gas Recirculation of the Utility Boiler of Co-generation plant of the Numaligarh Refinery Limited, Golaghat, Assam. This fan could not be put into service since commissioning of the boiler.

Physiological mechanisms of the development of pain in burn

Burns are skin injuries caused by contact with hot bodies. This contact triggers lesion in skin receptors characterized by denervation, development of hyperalgesia and disorganized depolarization, depending on the extent and depth of the burn, the pain may be of greater or lesser intensity. 100% of burn patients report pain at some point during their hospitalization, either from the moment of their injury and / or during some of the treatment phases, which can be divided as follows.

Fe3+-selective “off-on” probe based on napthalimide modified benzoyl hydrazine derivative

A new “off-on” probe for Fe3+ based napthalimide modified benzoyl hydrazine derivative was designed and synthesized. The proposed probe P showed good selectivity to Fe3+ compared to other common metal ions and anions. The absorbance of P was proportional to the concentration of Fe3+ in the range of 9.0 × 10-6 to 6.5 × 10-5 M with a detection limit of 3.0 × 10-6 M.