Physical Sciences and Engineering

Integration of maple mathematical software in the teaching-learning process of triple integrals in the 2nd year at thigher institute of education sciences of cabinda

This article presents the results of a research carried out in the 2nd year students at ISCED in Cabinda, on the teaching-learning process of triple integrals with the integration of Maple Mathematical Software.

Didactic strategy inthe teaching-learning process of differential calculation with the use of geogebra mathematical assistant in the 12th grade at polytechnical institute of administration and management of zaire

This article presents the results of a research carried out on the use of GeoGebra Mathematical Assistant in the teaching-learning process of differential calculus. This content deals with variation, movement, quantities that change and depend on other quantities, being considered by manypeopleasone of the great achievements of the human intellect. Differential calculus has a derivative concept considered fundamental for its study, as it is a linear operator, which forms a new function from the original, in which each point of the new function is the displacement of the original one.

Pulsed electromagnetic field versus pulsed ultrasound in treatment of mechanical neck pain: rct

Mechanical neck pain (MNP)affects approximately two thirds of the population in the middle age due to poor postural habits. Purpose: to compare the effect of pulsed electromagnetic field versus pulsed ultrasound on pain intensity, cervical range of motion and functional restriction in treating patients with MNP. Design: randomized controlled trial. Methods: 45 patients with MNP participated in this study.

Conceptual paper on the challenges that affect the implemendation of the process of devolution

The purpose of this paper was to identify potential challenges that my derail the implementation of the devolution process in the context of developing countries. The paper was based on theoretical and empirical literature on the concept of devolution implementation. The paper developed a conceptual framework which may be used to undertake empirical research to explore specific challenges that may be affecting the implementation.

Cultural-dietary behavior and consumption of fruit and vegetables with adverse birth outcomes in pregnant minority women: a literature review

Background: Poor nutrition in pregnancy is a major public health concern. The high intake of saturated fats, carbohydrates and sodas have been related to an increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Therefore, nutritional deficiencies in pregnant women can lead to preterm labor & intra uterine growth retardation. Objective: Reproductive-aged women should adopt a healthy dietary lifestyle, which reduces the risk of adverse birth outcomes and chronic diseases of both mother and newborn.

Thermally evaporated mgo-nio nanocomposite thin films for ethanol gas sensor

In the current research work, MgO-NiO nano composite thin films have been prepared on glass substrate by using thermal evaporation technique and studied electrical and gas sensing properties of prepared films. The prepared films were annealed for 2 hours at 350°C in a muffle furnace. The electrical properties of prepared MgO-NiO nano composite thin films were investigated on the basis of resistivity, Temperature Coefficient Resistance (TCR) and activation energy.

Generalized cluster construction mechanism for linear wireless sensor networks (g2cmln)

A Linear Wireless Sensor Network (LWSN) is a grouping of sensors arranged in a linear topology with or without junction zones. LWSNs are applied in several areas involving, among others, gas pipelines, road or rail infrastructure, border surveillance infrastructure, waterways, oil, etc. The (LWSN) are subjected to the same constraints as those subjected by the traditional networks (non-linear), energy saving, overload, delays, latency etc.

Analysis of 5 floor brick masonry builiding, type 77/5

Below we present the main results of the numerical analysis performed in ETABs, to assess the seismic response of an existing building, with brick masonry, type 77/5, which is part of many similar projects, built in the years 1975-1990, in Albania. While these 5-story buildings cover a significant percentage of residential buildings, the fundamental question is: "Are these buildings safe under seismic action, while so many families are accommodated on them?

Influence of seed fortification treatment with industrial effluents in petunia

Studies on evaluation of the influence seed fortification with industrial effluents in six different concentrations for 8 and 16 h soaking duration revealed that the effluents of TNPL, dye, tannery and sugarcane distillery at lower concentration of 5 per cent improved the seed and seedling quality characters. Among the effluent TNPL had more invigourative effect on seedling growth.