Physical Sciences and Engineering

Numerical study of magneto thermal air convection in a rectangular enclosure

In this paper we have done the numerical study of the magneto thermal convection of air in a rectangular enclosure. We use the finite volume method to solve numerically the dimensionless Navier-Stokes equations that govern our flow. This resolution goes through the sequences of the SIMPLER algorithm which summarizes the different calculation steps. An essential part of the literature in the field is in agreement with the results of our numerical simulation.

Identificar la relación del bruxismo con la calidad del sueño en los residentes de las diferentes especialidades del centro m

Bruxism is defined as a repetitive activity of the masticatory muscles, characterized by clenching and grinding of the teeth, which may present with trapping or sliding of the jaw. It is considered a phenomenon regulated mainly by the central nervous system and influenced by peripheral factors. It has two distinct circadian manifestations: it can occur during sleep - indicated as nocturnal bruxism - or during wakefulness - indicated as diurnal bruxism.

Análisis de la evolución clínica de los pacientes postoperados de trastornos neurológicos que ingresan a la unidad de cuidados intensivos

Background: Neurological disorders requiring surgical treatment, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), are the second leading cause of death worldwide. In Mexico, there have been nearly 170,000 cerebral infarctions as of October 2018, causing primary brain injuries and increasing admissions to intensive care units. Postoperative diagnoses of neurological disorders that are not treated correctly can cause secondary brain injuries and, consequently, permanent disabilities.

Cyber insurance: a case study of united arab of emirates, european union's and poland

Cyber insurance is an influential means for educating Internet security. Cyber insurance has progressed from outmoded insurance rules to primary cyber risk insurance rules to contemporary compete cyber insurance products. E-insurance rules are attractive more complete as insurance corporations better comprehend the sight of dangers and detailed commercial requirements. More precisely, cyber-operators discourse what remained measured insuperable difficulties (e.g., asymmetric data, moral threat, negative collection, etc.).

Mobile health technology to enhance healthcare service delivery in developing nations (saudi arabia)

Saudi Arabia is among the countries that have very high prevalence rates of diabetes and hypertension, with prevalence rates of almost 18% and 25%, respectively. The majority of patients with diabetes and hypertension fail to manage their diseases and to show up for their follow up appointments. Mhealth technology is among the interventions that have been recently adopted to overcome these issues and improve the quality of healthcare services.

Household hazardous waste management: a review

Household hazardous waste is hazardous waste generated by households in relatively small quantities (between 1% and 4% of municipal solid waste) and containing toxic or labeled toxic, flammable, reactive, explosive or corrosive chemicals such as automobile products, cleaning products, personal care products, maintenance products, unused medications, insecticides, garden pesticides, products containing heavy metals, photographic chemicals. Many of these wastes are regulated at the industrial level in larger quantities.

A study on social engineering attacks: phishing attack

Recently, with the development of digital technology and the spread of the social media network and made the communication of human beings between each other more easily, but with the put the personal information and private evidence and the participation of others via the Internet, it causes a great danger that this information can be exploited and collected, and from this a new concept called social engineering has spread that is the attackers or whoever wants Damage to people searches and collects personal and confidential information to penetrate and cause harm to the victim.

False data injection attack in healthcare

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform healthcare dramatically via changing the way hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities collect and use data. IoT can bring together major technical and business trends related to mobility, automation, and data analysis to improve patient care delivery. IoT is the networking of physical objects such as on-board sensors, actuators, and other equipment that collect and transmit activity information in real-time across the network.

Tracing distributed denial of service attacks from practical perspectives

Denial of service attack was a stretch of Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS). DDoS comes the largest security risks and problems facing Internet users. This risk affecting obstruct with work of any system of targeted organizations, which leads to the harassment of system customer. This attack succeeds by exploiting several weaknesses to access resources in the target organizations. The attacker exhausts all capacity of resources in a period short time. The previous method leads to the denial of using any organization's resources from any authorized user.

Study of the solar drying of bovine meat: drying kinetics and temperature profiles in a mixed tunnel solar drier

This work concerns an experimental study of beef drying with a mixed tunnel solar dryer with forced convection. Drying experiments were carried out at the Centre for Study and Research on Renewable Energies (CERER). The evolution of air and product temperatures as a function of irradiance and the position of the racks was studied, as well as the effect of treatment and air temperature on drying speed. The experimental curves presented in terms of reduced moisture content as a function of drying time are approximated by mathematical models of existing drying kinetics.