Physical Sciences and Engineering

Influence of seed fortification treatment with industrial effluents in petunia

Studies on evaluation of the influence seed fortification with industrial effluents in six different concentrations for 8 and 16 h soaking duration revealed that the effluents of TNPL, dye, tannery and sugarcane distillery at lower concentration of 5 per cent improved the seed and seedling quality characters. Among the effluent TNPL had more invigourative effect on seedling growth.

Prevention of kyphosis development after coronary artery bypass surgery (cabg) using kinesiotape: case study

Background: Kinesiotaping (KT) is a type of taping treatment method involving the application of elastic therapeutic tapes to the skin. The benefits of taping were said to be due to sensorimotor and proprioceptive feedback mechanisms. Taping offers immediate sensorimotor input, and patients often report symptom relief, increased relaxation, or increased joint stability. The elasticity of KT allows for movement by conforming to the body. The most common cardiovascular disorder is coronary artery disease (CAD), which is correlated to a decline in quality of life.

Effect of acupressure on preoperative cesarean section anxiety

Background: Control of preoperative anxiety especially before cesarean section, is one of the most important goals of nursing care around the world. Aim of study : To determine the effect of acupressure on preoperative cesarean section anxiety. Methods: Forty primiparae undergoing elective cesarean section surgery, were selected from El Galaa Teaching hospital, Cairo, Egypt , their age ranged from 20- 35 years, and BMI was less than 30 kg/m2.

Effect of open chain versus closed chain segmental control on spinopelvic angles in asymptomatic subjects

Open Chain Segmental Control, Closed Chain Segmental Control, Spinopelvic Angles, Asymptomatic Subjects. Purpose: This study aimed to measure of spinopelvic angles after application of open chain segmental control exercises versus closed chain segmental control exercises, pre and post application. Method: Twenty eight participants were randomly divided into two groups, groups A and B. Group A (n=15) received open chain segmental control exercises for four weeks. Group B (n=13) received closed chain segmental control exercises for four weeks.

Management styles, gender equality practices and social support: a structural equation model on public image of police non- commissioned officers

The purpose of this study was to determine the best fit model of public image among police non-commissioned officers. Specifically, it explored the interrelationship among variables including management style, gender equality practices and social support to public image. This study utilized quantitative research design and structural equation modelling. Data were sourced from 400 respondents taken from the four provincial police office and two chartered city police office of Region XII through proportionate sampling with the number of stations per office as the reference point.

The prevalence of neck pain due to bad sitting posture in physiotherapy students

Background: Neck pain is predictable among people of all ages, everyone faces trouble with neck pain because of thepoor posture and prolong use of electronic devices. College Students also experience neck pain as they spend most of the time in college. They work with faculty posture on computers, slouch on desk & carry backpacks on one shoulder etc; therefore, the study aims to find the prevalence of neck pain due to bad sitting posture in college students. Method: A cross-sectional study was used.

Déterminants de la malnutrition dans un pays à faibles revenus : étude descriptive sur 422 gardiens des enfants et ces enfants âgés de 6 à 23 mois révolus vivant à luwowoshi / lubumbashi/ rd congo

En République démocratique du Congo, un enfant sur deux est malnutri et cela constitue un problème de santé publique.Les projections internationales révèlent que sur un total de 52 millions d’enfants en malnutrition aiguë, 33 millions souffriraient de la malnutrition aiguë modérée. Objectif: déterminer les facteurs qui sont à la base de la malnutrition à Luwowoshi, en explorant: la prévalence de la malnutrition, le score de la sécurité alimentaire, le statut vaccinal, les connaissances et pratiques sur l’alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant.

Design and implementation of toxic gas monitoring system

The primary notion of gas leakage detection is the implementation of a protection framework for the detection of gas leakage in a closed environment. In the current situation, there are various criteria linked with gas leaks that have an influence on the lives and property of innocent people. This warning system, which can save people's lives, can be advantageous for businesses and homes. In this project, a SIM900 (GSM module) is utilised to complete the desired task by combining a gas sensor (MQ6), a buzzer, an Arduino UNO, a 5V stepper motor, and an LCD display.

Comparative assessment of visual and passive acoustic detection of cetaceans in a 4-d seismic operation, agbami, South-South of Nigeria

The detection result of acoustic monitoring was compared to visual observations in a 4-D seismic survey. Data was collected on board The MV Osprey Explorer (Seabird)cruising at the speed of 4.6 ±4 nautical miles.

Conceptual model and didactic strategy for dificulties reduction by integration of computer systems on analitical geometry teaching at education higher institut of cabinda

This article was developed in order to model the integration of computer systems, GeoGebra and MS-Excel, in the teaching-learning process of Analytical Geometry at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences in Cabinda, in order to reduce the difficulties that appear as, Lack of mastery of the basic concepts of Analytical Geometry, little motivation of students, limited understanding of the concepts of vectors, equations of lines, their representations and graphical interpretations in the plane and space, conic sections, quadric surfaces, poor preparation in the use of software mathematici