Physical Sciences and Engineering

A study on planning and supervising of a research project: hyper plasticizer added concrete production

In today’s World, Disciplines that are dealing with Project Management, can plan projects by using planning software based on Critical Path Method with an advanced scheduling & tracking engine. Day by day increase in R&D Projects and their complexity creates a need of single management software in our country. By using Planning Software, commencement & completion dates, resources to be used and their costs can be easily defined and tracked.

Teaching volume concept using b-learning strategy in high school on huasteca sur potosina, mexico

We show results from b-learning strategy used to teach volume concept in high school for several geometric figure. We applied a conceptual volume test (pretest) and we found that high percentage of students had several misconception and low knowledge about prism and pyramids. We work with a control group (traditional) and, experimental group (b-learning); this methodology includes conceptual activities and use of Khan academy tool. Population was 50 students divided in two similar groups; distinction gender was no made.

Sistemas de apoio à decisão (sad) em organizações públicas: uma análise bibliométrica

Considerando o processo de informatização das organizações e a exigência de que o serviço público se alinhe a esta realidade, surge a necessidade de analisar a importância do uso de ferramentas de apoio pelos gestores. A revisão da literatura ocupa posição introdutória no desenvolvimento de um projeto de conhecimento das produções científicas acumuladas sobre o tema.

Coupled of hydrodynamic modelling, case study el- burullus lake in egypt- using sms 12.1

The Northern coastal lakes in the Nile Delta of Egypt which have an ecosystem of distinctive nature is facing several problems which threaten, There are two main problems facing the coastal region of the delta, The first one is the erosion due to dynamic effects and reduction in sediment transport, the northern lakes connected to the Mediterranean Sea severely suffer from pollution due to dumping wastewater from agricultural, municipal as well as industrial origin into the lake. Hydrodynamic modeling is an essential tool to simulate the combined effect of these physical factors.

Contribution a la construction d’une hypothese de la mineralisation de l’indice baoule-est (centre de la cote d’ivoire)

The goal of this work is to reveal factors which control Baoulé-Est gold occurrence. Gold traps which have been extracting from structural support have been tested by a variogram with the goal to find expect mineralized axis. Rocks with good grade and geochemistry anomalies have been inserted with the goal to find mineralized axis. Mineralized axis characteristics have led to elaborate mineralization hypothesis. Gold traps are plutonic nearbourgh quartz veins and N60°, N160°, NS faults zones junctions. N30° is the like trend of gold traps.

Geospatial data infrastructures model for land-use in developing countries: the nigeria scenario

This research explores the basics of SDI, and investigates the National SDI of different countries. Further, the research analyses SDI implementation in developing country with specific reference to the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure (NGDI) of Nigeria. The research assesses the status and the milestones of NGDI implementation using key SDI components as assessment variables. These components were grouped into four classes: Policy and Legal Issues, Technical, Funding and People.

Areas of weakness in mathematics of the students completing elementary education

In this age of science and Technology, mathematics now dominates almost every field of one’s activities. It has permeated through the human life in such a way that, it has now become every man’s everyday concern. Elementary education grooms students to become competent in every aspects of life. India has made a significant investment in its education. Again RTE 2009 guarantees quality mathematics education at elementary level.

A primer on rfid

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It refers to technologies that use radio waves to identify objects, animals, or people. Due to its low energy consumption and adaptability to different environments, RFID has found applications in many fields. This paper describes the basics of RFID technology, its applications, and the challenges it faces.

A study on advantages and limitations of ehd drying of food materials

Energy consumption index is one of the most important criteria for judging about new, and emerging drying technologies. Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying is a novel method of non-thermal processing. The drying can be carried out using either AC or DC high voltages. The thermodynamic considerations regarding the lowering of temperature under EHD drying include rapid rates of evaporation and exothermic interaction of the electric field with a dielectric material. Multi-point and plate electrode systems are efficient in accelerating drying of agricultural materials.