Physical Sciences and Engineering

Role of blogging in participatory communication

Blogs have become an integral part of online culture. They have grown into a massive communication tool used by everyone. Any person from the public can play an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating information on a blog. It is participatory in nature because of user comments attached to news stories. The study which was descriptive in nature dilated upon role of blogging and its contribution to participatory communication. Blogging allows the masses to be a part of the large communication system.

A novel control strategy of indirect matrix converter implemented in dfig controlled wecs

This paper discusses a control scheme of Indirect Matrix Converter which includes space vector modulation to stabilize the frequency variations. The terminal voltage and frequency of any synchronous machine can be controlled easily with this scheme. The proposed method leads to reduction of harmonics and losses predominantly increasing the efficiency of output. More over the control strategy is also very much flexible in their operation at any rated power. This work is mainly focused on the Matlab/Simulink implementation of SVM technique with Zero current switching for IMC.

Segmenting customer for mobile plans

The telecom industry is a highly competitive market, with frequent innovations required to sustain the business. The current business situation indicates a mismatch between user expectations and tariff plans available in the market. Furthermore, most service providers suffer from a high churn rate. The client (service provider) would therefore like to analyze the market and offer more customized plans that help to increase the retention rate.

Performance & analysis of satellite image processing using panchromatic and multispectral images

The field of remote sensing is a continuously growing market with applications like vegetation mapping and observation of the environment. The increase in applications is due to the availability of high quality images for a reasonable price and improved computation power. However, as a result of the demand for higher classification accuracy and the need in enhanced positioning precision (e.g. for geoscience information systems) there is always a need to improve the spectral and spatial resolution of remotely sensed imagery.

English as a foreign language learning strategies: personal reflection

The number and variety of technologies used in teaching and learning has increased exponentially. One of the myriad impacts of these advances on the world is increasing interest in learning foreign languages. However, despite the importance of new technologies and learning tools, some other factors have also had a tremendous impact on teaching and learning. For example, the development of new learning strategies has been a key factor; learning strategies play a key role in learning a foreign language. In this review paper, the author has outlined a map to implement those strategies.

Study of thermo mechanical charcterisation of tool geometries on friction stir welding

A numerical model is developed to predict the material deformations and temperature histories in the friction stir welding (FSW) process. Based on the numerical ananlysis, the effects of the welding parameters on material deformation and temperatures are investigated for plain cylindrical and drill tool geometries. A numerical result predicts that the temperature can be increased with the increase of the rotating speed on the FSW process. In the same way the increase in the weld speed can also lead to the tangible increase of the input power.

Comprassion of tools for friction stir welding using software

The upgoing trend of research on joining of dissimilar alloys grown the interest on the study and analysis of Friction Stir welding. Joining of different steel groups and Aluminium has been on the research interest on the previous decade. Recent innovative research and development areas is on with Magnesium alloy groups. The Aluminium alloys and Magnesium alloys are investigated for the weld strength with respect to the change of welding parameters including tool geometry, the tool transverse speed, and the tool angular velocity.

Vehicle chassis analysis: Load cases

The current work contains the load cases and boundary conditions for the stress analysis of chassis using finite element analysis over ANSYS. Shell elements have been used for the longitudinal members & cross members of the chassis. The advantage of using shell element is that the stress details can be obtained over the subsections of the chassis as well as over the complete section of the chassis. Beam elements have been used to simulate various attachments over the chassis, like fuel tank mountings, engine mountings, etc.

Pithora: A view on traditional art & culture of gujarat

Pithora craftsmanship is a type of society painting of tribes, living in eastern Gujarat. It is profoundly ceremonial painting done by tribal individuals so as to summon their God-Baba Pithora. The point of this paper is to inspect the progressions rotating around Pithora artistic expression. This study utilizes content investigation and depends on optional sources, for example, books, diary articles, tribal writing and monographs.