Physical Sciences and Engineering

Using new communication technology to involve stakeholders in a strategic planning process: an social learning approach design with the delphi and gdss

The consideration of sustainable development and the governance reinvent a negotiation and consultation culture around the public stake concerns and fertilize the group animation practices. As regards development plan, policy and program evaluation, the strategic stakes negotiation process remains difficult and its success dubious.

Constraints on research productivity in Kenyan universities: case study of university of Nairobi, Kenya

Besides teaching, research has become a core function of universities around the world. Yet, like in many African countries, Kenyan universities still lag behind in terms of research productivity, due to factors many researchers refer to as constraints. This study which was conducted in the University of Nairobi sought to analyze constraints that influence research productivity in the university.

Automatic recognition of bangla sign language using artificial neural networks (anns) for deaf and dumb to bridge the communication gap

Sign Language is the mode of communication among the deaf and dumb. However, integrating them into the main stream is very difficult as the majority of the society is unaware of their language. So, to bridge the communication gap between the hearing and speech impaired and the rest in Bangladesh, we conducted a research to recognize Bangla sign language using a computer-vision based approach. To achieve our goals we used Artificial Neural Networks to train individual signs.

Health care data analytics for adaptability in e-health care networks

Health is the essential part of human that individual has to feel, perceive and act effectively. And it is required to provide correspondent ways for proper health care delivery in real time manner. The arrival of new technologies especially the Internet of Things (IoT) Strengthen the health care system through Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). In the current health care environment the IoT enables to connect different stakeholders in the health care system like patients, physicians, hospital, emergency unit and patient well-wishers etc. regardless of their current location.

An efficient design of dynamic viterbi decoder architecture

The emerging applications of wireless networks enforce new challenges in design of algorithms and communication protocols. In such scenario of challenges, coding for error control has be- come extremely important to provide robust communication and maintain quality of service. One method to improve Bit Error Rate (BER) while maintaining high data reliability, is to use an error correction technique like the Viterbi algorithm. The Viterbi algorithm provides an efficient method for Forward Error Correction (FEC) that improves channel reliability.

Water quality, quantity and accessibility assessment: volcanoes national park region experience in Rwanda

This study ‘Water Quality, quantity and accessibility Assessment: Volcanoes national park region experience in Rwanda’ established the ways in which water is used, the level of demand, the level of supply, water quality, water quantity and accessibility around Volcanoes nation park of Rwanda. It has been hypothesised that there is a very high demand for water, lower lever of access due to population pressure and limited water sources.

Reduced instruction set computing technology microcontroller based proactive health monitoring system

A Micro-controller-based physiological sensing unit has been designed, prototyped, and field-tested for recording galvanic skin response data and relaying them to a computer for physiological analysis. Focusing on system design issues concerning battery-driven ambulatory applications, this paper presents a special data compression algorithm based on relative encoding to optimize memory utilization and reduce data transfer time. Data flow coordination and timing control are enabled by a PIC micro-controller.

Speed control using closed loop variable frequency drive

There are various starting methods to start induction motors among them variable frequency System has more advantages. For controlling the speed of the induction motor we are using pwm technique based on current signature techniques as a feedback of closed loop system. For a all control methods rely on the pwm voltage waveform to control the motor. The difference between control methods lies in how they calculate the motors voltage needs at any given moment. Among these methods we are doing v/f control because it has advantages over all other methods.

Collaborative learning for the reinforcement of character education in learning indonesian at universities in Indonesia

Teaching Indonesian using a collaborative learning model will enable lecturers to teach values and academic domains simultaneously. The integration of character education in the Indonesian subject is perfectly served to apply the collaborative learning format (a collaborative learning). This study aims to describe the integration of character education in the form of collaborative learning concerned with the Indonesian subject at Yogyakarta-based universities, Indonesia.