Physical Sciences and Engineering

Influence of chelating agent (pva & peg) on the microstructure and magnetization of ni-zn nanoferrites

The selection of suitable chelating agent for particular ferrite composition becomes critical in attaining an optimum particle size with a precise control. Since the increase in viscosity and prevention of cation segregation due to addition of chelating agent and the nature of cat-ions play crucial role in controlling the particle size. In this view nano crystalline Ni0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4 ferrites have been synthesized by sol-gel technique using PVA and PEG as chelating agents at different annealing temperatures.

Energy, infrastructure and environment for sustainable cities

Cities need to become smarter by becoming more sustainable, more efficient and more livable. Information technology is helpful in making the city smarter. Smart cities are based on eight pillars comprises of buildings, energy, water, recycling, healthcare, mobility, services and finance. This paper focuses mainly on energy, environment and infrastructure which include all the eight pillars.

Hadoop vs big data

Due to the advent of new technologies, devices, and communication means like social networking sites, the amount of data produced by mankind is growing rapidly every year. The amount of data produced by us from the beginning of time till 2003 was 5 billion gigabytes. If you pile up the data in the form of disks it may fill an entire football field. The same amount was created in every two days in 2011, and in every ten minutes in 2013. This rate is still growing enormously.

The Adoption Of The Strategy Function In Indian Companies

Why do some companies succeed? What distinguishes these companies from their competitors? What do they do differently to ensure they develop and maintain their competitive advantage? This paper puts forward the hypothesis that companies, which adopt a formal strategic management function, within their organisation structure manage to maintain their competitive advantage. The field of strategic management has matured in the last few decades from a corporate planning function, to a wider and to some extent, a less quantitative oriented field.

Kinetic alfven waves in self-gravitating quantum dusty plasma with trapping effects

We have put a study of linear and nonlinear propagation of kinetic Alfven waves in dusty plasma. By making a use of the Sagdeev potential approach, we have examined the amplitude and period of the solitary density waves. The self-gravitating effect is involved in terms of Jeans term. In linear treatment the Jeans effect play a vital role by in low magnetized plasmas,the wave dispersion decreases, when Jeans affect increases. The wave dispersion increases, when the dust density increases.

Straw Bale Construction A Revolutionary Building Material In Low Cost Housing For Rural Areas

The paper deals with the study of a low cost agro waste construction material i.e. Strawbale .The cost of construction materials is increasing incrementally. It is essential to find functional substitutes for conventional building materials in the construction industry. In view of the importance of saving of energy and conservation of resources, efficient recycling of all these agro wastes is now a global concern requiring extensive R&D work towards exploring newer applications and maximizing use of existing technologies for a sustainable and environmentally sound management.

Optimization For Number Of Vertical Drainage Wells In Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers

Groundwater studies have become of great concern especially in arid and semi-arid areas as they rely heavily on groundwater as a main source. In Egypt there are many aquifer systems of which the Nile Delta aquifer is considered as one of the most important aquifers. However, there are several environmental problems such as salinization, water pollution, logging and mounding of groundwater levels affect the development in eastern Nile Delta region.

Design and implementation of forward error correction in fpga and verfication

Quadrature modulation systems are used in satellite communication. I and Q are two channels which are represented in modulated signals. One of the schemes of Quadrature modulation is offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying produces the phase ambiguity in carrier recovery process which can be eliminated with OQPSK.Also OQPSK ensures high speed transmission in optical Networks. Due to more requirements of the radio channels, spectral effective modulations are intended to diminish spectral overload of communication systems.

Risk analysis in the production of wine

The wine industry is one of the most important in Cuyo. Considering the entire wine sector, it can be mentioned that there are associated risks with growing vine, secondly, the associated risks with the process of winemaking. This agro-industrial activity are marked by high transience of workers. At harvest time, the largest number of workers is concentrated, since the contracting meets the needs of growing grapes and special specified conditions for wine making.

Survey on elliptical curve cryptography

The main objective of our survey is based on elliptical curve cryptography. It provides security for encryption and decryption of data. We have gone through several papers, each paper describes about some protocols. some of the papers are related to Text based, Wireless Communication and java as implementation tool .The above methods has its own protocols. One is based on customizable cryptography. It produces hardware designs for ECC. Encryption is a process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can read it.