Social Sciences and Humanities

Les langues locales comme médium d’apprentissage : intégration et enjeux

Cet article examine l'impact et les avantages de l'utilisation des langues locales comme médium d'apprentissage dans le système éducatif. Il met en lumière les diverses dimensions socio-culturelles, linguistiques et pédagogiques liées à cette approche. L'article souligne comment l'intégration des langues locales favorise l'engagement des apprenants, renforce leur identité culturelle et améliore leurs performances académiques. De plus, il met en évidence les pratiques exemplaires et les défis potentiels liés à la mise en œuvre de ce modèle pédagogique.

Innovative technologies in modern education

In modern society, innovation technologies expand to almost every field of human activity, including in education and due to integrating innovation technologies into the educational process practice, the whole phenomenon gained special significance within improvement and modernization of the established at all educational system. Currently, the problem of active integration and wide application of innovation technologies in education is highly significant and the present study explores innovation technologies of learning in the modern education.

Analyzing the impact of distributed data and knowledge-based systems on knowledge management: A systematic mapping study

Knowledge management is a critical aspect of modern organizations seeking to harness their collective intelligence and remain competitive in a dynamic business environment. With the advent of distributed data and knowledge-based systems, the landscape of knowledge management is undergoing significant transformations.

Strategic benchmarking analysis of the uzbekistan automobile industry: evaluating operational efficiency and performance metrics for competitive advantage

This paper conducts a strategic benchmarking analysis of the Uzbekistan automobile industry to assess operational efficiency and performance metrics crucial for gaining competitive advantage. The study focuses on understanding the industry's current state, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and evaluating these metrics against global standards. By benchmarking against leading automotive industries, the research aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing competitiveness.

An empirical study on the causes of school dropouts among lambani students at the primary level in Vijayapur District, Karnataka

The Lambani community, one of India's largest traditional, nomadic, and de-notified tribes, is known by various names such as Bhanjara, Lamani, Sugalis, Lambada, Gypsies, and Gourmatti. Historically identified as a nomadic tribe, migration has been a primary means of livelihood for the Lambanis. Vijayapur District in Karnataka hosts the highest population of Lambanis in the state. This study aims to investigate the causes of school dropouts among Lambani students at the primary level, a critical issue that continues to challenge both advanced and developing nations.

Challenges and opportunities in Indian higher education: a path forward

The Indian higher education sector is at a critical juncture, characterized by a rapid expansion of institutions and student enrollments alongside persistent challenges of quality, access, and equity. As one of the largest and most diverse education systems globally, India faces the dual challenge of maintaining standards and inclusivity in a landscape marked by significant regional, economic, and social disparities.

National educational policies 1968, 1986 and 2020 of India: Critical analysis and review

Education is a fundamental pillar of any nation's progress and development. In a diverse and populous country like India, crafting effective educational policies becomes an imperative task to ensure equitable access to quality education for all citizens. Over the years, India has witnessed the formulation and implementation of several National Education Policies (NEPs), each designed to address the evolving needs, challenges, and aspirations of the society.

Investigating the implications of artificial intelligence on occupational health and safety

This thesis investigates the implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practices, aiming to provide insights into the challenges, opportunities, and best practices associated with AI adoption in workplace safety management. Through a mixed-methods approach incorporating quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and literature review, the study explores the impact of AI technologies on hazard identification, risk assessment, incident prevention, and safety culture enhancement in various industries.

Coalition politics in India: A critical analysis

The study highlights the concept of coalition government and its impact in Indian government and politics of parliamentary democracy. It also reveals the reasons and circumstances in which coalition governments in India have become regular feature both at federal level as well as in the states. Furthermore, the study explores the nature, character and dominance of Indian National Congress (INC) and its replacement by non-Congress coalitions both at centre and in the states.

Effectiveness of makerere university e-learning environment (muele) in the lens of delone and mclean’s model: a concept paper

Ascertaining the effectiveness of learning management systems (LMSs)is of great importance for managers and policy makers in institutions of higher education to make investment decisions basing on evidence rather than rhetorical claims about the advantage of ICT. However, the effectiveness of ICT tools in teaching and learning has remained unclear with studies giving inconsistent findings.