Social Sciences and Humanities

A structural equation model on organizational commitment in relation to citizenship behavior, job satisfaction and organizational information security of police officers in region xii

The researcher used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to determine the most appropriate model for organizational commitment of police officer’s in Region XII. The study used a quantitative non-experimental research design with a descriptive- predictive approach. The sample size comprised 400 participants who were selected through a stratified sampling technique. These participants were surveyed using standardized adapted instruments to gather data.

Analysis of the necessity of law in preserving and promoting traditional cultural values in Vietnam

The traditional culture of a country is the material and spiritual values accumulated and preserved throughout the entire historical process of formation and development of that country. Culture is both a goal and a spiritual foundation to promote socio-economic development, ensuring the connection between people and between people and society.

A structural equation model on organizational commitment in relation to citizenship behavior, job satisfaction and organizational information security of police officers in region xii

The researcher used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to determine the most appropriate model for organizational commitment of police officer’s in Region XII. The study used a quantitative non-experimental research design with a descriptive- predictive approach. The sample size comprised 400 participants who were selected through a stratified sampling technique. These participants were surveyed using standardized adapted instruments to gather data.

Some issues to preserve traditional culture of very small ethnic groups in Vietnam

Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country with 54 ethnic groups living together. In which, 38 ethnic groups have a population of over 10,000 people, 16 ethnic groups have a population of less than 10,000 people (very small ethnic groups). While ethnic groups with large populations mainly live in the midlands and plains, where living and production conditions are favorable; then mountainous areas, which account for nearly three-quarters of the country's natural area, are the main areas of residence for most ethnic minorities.

Financing women's entrepreneurship: a focus on exclusion through microfinance

Financing women's entrepreneurship remains a challenge. The aim of this research is to find rational factors that explain the exclusion of women owners of very small businesses or microenterprises. The research question is "Why do microfinance institutions exclude women entrepreneurs from financing?"The chosen analytical framework is trade-off theory to explain this exclusion. Our methodological approach is quantitative. The data used are secondary and extracted from the database of a microfinance institution in Gabon.

Elucidating the need to study instructional designs and pedagogic modalities of massive open online courses (moocs)

This paper signifies the need of having more research on engaging parts of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). It summarizes a significant number of recent reviews on the design, engagements, and assessment strategies of select MOOCs. The study mainly focused select studies on Future Learn as it has more impact on students of higher education. The paper gives an overall idea of MOOCs, engagements in MOOCs in general, and a summary of various reviews on engagements, assessment, and instructional designs of MOOCs.

Tourisme funeraire dans la ville de korhogo

Les funérailles chez les Sénoufos de Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso et Ghana tout comme chez les autres peuples de Côte d’Ivoire donnent lieu à une animation particulière et à la valorisation d’un pan de leur riche patrimoine culturel. Le tourisme funéraire qui est un segment du tourisme culturel à travers le monde que drainent les obsèques et les différentes activités qui meublent les rites funéraires, la sollicitation des établissements de tourisme, la commercialisation des souvenirs contribue à n’en point douter au rayonnement du tourisme local à Korhogo.

Politique economique, performances economiques et carre magique de nicolas kaldor en republique democratique du Congo

Cet article porte sur la politiqueéconomique, performances économiques et carré magique de Nicolas Kaldor en République Démocratique du Congo. Il a analysé de manière critique les politiques économiques menées et les résultats escomptés durant la période allant de 1970 à 2016. Au terme des analysespar les approches analytique etéconométrique dans l’optique du carré magique de Kaldor, il se dégage que la croissance économique de la République Démocratique du Congo reste exogène au seuil de signification de 10% au sens de [Solow, (1956)].

Demographic characteristics of the nurses in dindigul district

Terminalia Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare system, providing care to patients across various settings. Understanding the demographic characteristics of nurses is crucial for effective workforce planning, education, and policy development. This study aims to describe the demographic characteristics of nurses working in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire distributed to nurses working in various healthcare facilities in Dindigul district.

Efeitos psicossociais do desastre de subsidência do solo (em curso), provocado pela extração de salgema, na cidade de maceió/al

Terminaliaarjuna, commonly known as arjuna, belongs to the family of Combretaceae. Its bark decoction is being used in the Indian subcontinent for anginal pain, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and dyslipidemia, based on the observations of ancient physicians for centuries. The utility of arjuna in various cardiovascular diseases needs to be studied further.