Social Sciences and Humanities

Education and cultural diversity

Since globalization requires people from diverse cultural backgrounds to communicate effectively, the concept of intercultural communication competence has received increasing attention from researchers. Higher education is a prominent setting in which intercultural interactions take place frequently. Given the increasingly diverse nature of the world, intercultural competence is a logical goal for schools.

Nutritional profiling of selected underutilized leafy vegetables for food value

India boasts a number of species of edible leafy vegetables, some of which have no English names and are only recognised by their native names. India is blessed with a range of natural environments, diverse climates and varying seasons. These leafy veggies are consumable and are also known as unconventional greens or underutilised leafy vegetables. These neglected greens are affordable, simple to prepare and packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, and other nutrients.

Influences of the roles of the stakeholders in a coopetition on the structure of the coopetition

The aim of this paper is to explore the influence of the roles played by the stakeholders on the structure of a coopetition between very small entreprises. This structure is perceived through the prism of cross-views between clients, chargers and clandos. Our approach is constructivist, adopting an exploratory qualitative methodology with primary data collected from a questionnaire, administered to 14 chargers, 321 clandos and 335 clients. We used factorial correspondence analysis to process the data.

The secular shift exploring the impact of declining religious and spiritual engagement on mental health

In recent decades, societal attitudes towards religion and spirituality have undergone a noticeable shift, marked by a significant decline in religious affiliation and engagement across various demographic groups. This paper aims to investigate the potential impact of this secular shift on mental health outcomes. By reviewing existing literature and empirical studies, we explore the intricate relationship between religious/spiritual beliefs and practices and mental well-being.

Decoding diabetes: understanding diagnosis through medication prescriptions

This study's analysis of a large dataset using logistic regression reveals important factors influencing diabetes diagnosis that are influenced by clinical history, healthcare consumption, and demography. The results show that older persons had a higher risk of developing diabetes, with notable variations observed in age groups, ethnicities, and genders. Notably, normal glucose levels lower the chance of diabetes, whereas older age, non-Caucasian ethnicity, and greater emergency healthcare utilization correspond with a higher risk.

Politique économique, performances économiques et carré magique de nicolas kaldor en république démocratique du Congo

Cet article cherche à analyser de manière critique les politiques économiques menées et les résultats escomptés en République Démocratique du Congo sur une période de 47 ans soit de 1970 à 2016. Ainsi, le carré magique de Nicolas Kaldor a permis d’apprécier les performances économiques enregistrées au cours de la période sous examen en identifiant les défis leur inclusivité. La recherche a recouru à la méthode quantitative mobilisant les outils économétriques notamment la modélisation var Cointégration et l’approche analytique du Carré magique de Kaldor.

Contribution of e-commerce in economic development during pandemic

E-Commerce provides affordable things during pandemic time. And the price of the products is also affordable for make purchase. E-Commerce can also provide multiple services during that time. It is safe for use at Covid-19 time. People were fulfilling their demand through E-Commerce during pandemic. Also, our economy was benefited by E-Commerce platforms. E-Commerce helps to enable cashless Nation. The main objective of the study is to know about the level of satisfaction of E-commerce towards people during Pandemic. About 120 respondents have used to analyse the data.

Petrography, SEM-EDAX and spectroscopic implications of ruby corundum occurrences, close to the contact of Peralimala Pluton and Moyar Shear Zone in Chanappara area of Kannur District, Kerala, India

Corundum of semi precious gem variety occurs within the hydrothermally altered metaultramafites in the retrograde metamorphic terrain of kannur district along the north eastern part of kerala. Samples of semi-translucent to opaque nature with red to crimson red colour are studied through advanced spectroscopic techniques namely FTIR, Raman, Photoluminescence, UV-Visible and SEM-EDAX. Spectroscopic studies coupled with Geochemical perspective indicates the presence of considerable concentration of Cr2+ accompanied by more or less equal amounts of Ti2+, V2+ and Ga2+, along with other ions.

Gandhiji’s view on education

Gandhiji views education as playing a vital role in the reconstruction of Indian society. According to him, education is defined as a technique of transmitting civilization. The etymological meaning of education is to bring out inside to outside, to make inner capabilities of a man to be fully expressed. Accordingly, the function of education is to draw out rather than to put in. Education is the art of developing and enhancing the cultivation of various physical, mental and moral powers of the learner. It is taken as a process, not as a product.

La construction sociale des inégalités de genre dans l’accès et le contrôle de la terre dans la commune rurale de komsilga au burkina faso

Le présent document porte sur la construction sociale des inégalités de genre dans l'accès et le contrôle de la terre dans la commune rurale de Komsilga au Burkina Faso. Il met en évidence les obstacles auxquels les femmes sont confrontées dans l'accès à la terre, malgré leur contribution significative aux activités agricoles. L'accès des femmes à la terre est inégalitaire par rapport aux hommes en termes de qualité, de nature et de proportion des terres auxquelles elles ont réellement accès.