Social Sciences and Humanities

Digital marketing and illegal products: A Case Study on IPTV

Digital marketing offers a diverse toolkit for enhancing the visibility, engagement, and sales of products online. This paper investigates the unique landscape of illegal IPTV services, focusing on the challenges and strategies within their digital marketing efforts. Through a mixed-methods approach, analyzing responses from 100 individuals via SPSS, we've uncovered distinct obstacles these services face, particularly in promotion and payment processes.

George orwell and the idea of Sadism in Nineteen Eighty-Four: A psychoanalytic perspective

The current study sheds light on the psychological dimension of the major characters of the book 1984. It explores the psychological conflict that leads to the issue of Sadism as a result of the extreme struggle among the book characters based on the psychoanalytic perspective. It is observed throughout the book from the beginning to the end, the predomination of the psychological suppression of the major characters.

Life skills of senior secondary school students of Biswanath District of Assam

In this study the researcher assess the life skills of senior secondary school students of Biswanath district of Assam. This study is a descriptive survey study and the samples are collected randomly from grade XI senior secondary school students. For the data collection, tool developed by R.Subhasree Nair, A.Radhakrishnan and Sunitha Ranjan was used. A total no. of 300 senior secondary students from Biswanath district of Assam was selected. For analyzing the data mean, Standard deviation and t-test was used.

A study on consumer behaviour according tothe life style of consumers

Consumer behaviour, a complex and dynamic phenomenon, is influenced by various factors, among which lifestyle plays a pivotal role. This research aims to delve into the intricate interplay between consumer behaviour and lifestyle, seeking to uncover the nuanced ways in which individuals' choices, preferences, and purchasing decisions are shaped by their unique lifestyles. The study employs a multidimensional approach, considering the diverse aspects of lifestyle, including social, cultural, economic, and psychological dimensions.

Unravelling ankita’s Journey: Realism as the guiding thread in preeti shenoy’s “life is what you make it”

From its early beginnings during British control, Indian writing in English has developed into a rich literary heritage with notable contributions from various writers. One of the main factors in the globalization of Indian literature was the translation of works written in the indigenous language into English.

A study on preference of enhanced shopping experience factors of customers on organised retailers

The retail environment has developed into a sophisticated network of connections and experiences, moving beyond simple transactions. In this vast space, consumers and merchants are always looking for the magic that turns everyday shopping into an amazing journey. The purpose of this study is to sort through the complex factors that go into creating a memorable shopping experience in structured retail environments. Customer loyalty and pleasure are essential components of organized retail, which entails building engaging environments that go beyond simple product sales.

A theoretical expo on the likelihood of cartoon journalism to drive rural sustainability in Nigeria

Rural sustainability is a social construction that calls for deliberate considerations, inquiries and concerns. The advocacy role of the mass media in the furtherance of the strategies intended for the durable solutions to emergent issues in the rural areas cannot be undermined; on these grounds, this study addresses the position of cartoon journalism in the advancement of the rural sustainability strategies in Nigeria.

Strengthening community safety: awareness of barangay public safety officers on their duties and responsibilities

This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the awareness and performance of Barangay Public Safety Officers (BPSOs) in Lapu Lapu City in various barangay of focusing on their duties, responsibilities, and adherence to regulatory standards outlined in Memorandum Circular No. 2003-42. The data, drawn from a structured questionnaire administered to respondents, reveals disparities in the distribution of tanods and highlights challenges in data collection due to the dynamic schedules of BPSOs.

Epidemiology and prevalence of hbs ag in pregnant women admitted for consultation at the saabou health center, urban commune of mamou (Republic of Guinea)

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver; its virus persists in the environment for more than 7 days. It is present in all biological fluids of infected subjects, mainly blood. Its main modes of transmission are: sexual, parenteral, maternal -fetal and horizontal transmission. This constitutes a public health problem. This is a prospective and descriptive study of an analytical type. It took place from September 1 to November 30, 2023.

Assessing the efficacy of community-based treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug surrenderers in barangay dapitan, municipality of cordova: a comprehensive analysis of impact and sustainability

This study explores the effectiveness of the community-based treatment and rehabilitation program for drug surrenderers in Barangay Dapitan, Municipality of Cordova. Utilizing a comprehensive survey, data were gathered and analyzed to assess the demographic characteristics of participants and evaluate the outcomes of rehabilitation and reintegration efforts. Findings indicate a prevalence of male participants aged 44-50, suggesting a correlation with drug use and health-related concerns.