Social Sciences and Humanities

The voice of untouchables

This paper is addresses to ‘untouchable’ peoples who are living in India. These peoples are identified as ‘untouchables’ in the country of India. There are lots of castes in India who are identified ‘untouchables.’ But these people were called before ‘Dalit’ when constitution has come to in being ‘Dalit’ word is dropped and introduced ‘untouchables.’ These peoples are very poor, sincere, combative and loyal. From the ancient period we can see these peoples were harassed, exploited, extorted and molestated by the aristocratic people.

Lehman brothers’ collapse: could it have been prevented and recommendations moving forward

The demise of Lehman Brothers instigated an international banking crisis. This paper’s focus is to determine whether Lehman Brother’s failure could have been prevented. In addition, because of the potential impact on economies around the globe, this paper examines measures that will reduce the risk of a similar event from happening again.

Role of education in women empowerment

Woman Constitute 48 percent of the total population of the Country. They suffer many disadvantages as compared to man in literary rates, labour participation rate and earnings. The development of women has been receiving attention of the Govt. of India from the first plan. For full development of our human resources, the improvement of homes, for the moulding the character of children during the most impressionable years of infancy, the education of woman is even greater important than that of man.

The process of development in front of challenges of the innovation of the islamic banking products

The financial engineering is vital for the Islamic finance because its survival and development depend on the degree of the innovation and the originality of products offered by the latter. Indeed, the financial engineering can create new crenels, spread the existing market and create business opportunities allowing the Islamic financial institutions to offer more products to a customers, bigger variety provide the market of a multitude of choices.

Effects of service quality, perceived value and trust on destination loyalty and intention to revisit Malaysian festivals among international tourists

Festival has been a good medium to boost tourism. It attracts tourist locally and internationally to a certain destination. Thus, it catalysts the growth of tourism sector of the destination. In Malaysia, there are various festivals celebrated every year. Several vital aspects of festivals are service quality, perceived value, trust, destination loyalty and intention to revisit. This study aims to examine the effects of service quality, perceived value and trust on destination loyalty and intention to revisit among international tourists.

Effect of accounting information on market share price of selected firms listed on nigeria stock exchange

The main objective of this study is to ascertain the effect of Accounting Information on Market Share Price of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) firms listed on Nigeria Stock Exchange. The specific objectives are to ascertain the effect or otherwise of Dividend per share, Earnings per Share and Return on Equity on Market Share price of ICT firms listed on the floor of Nigeria Stock Exchange from 2010-2016. Ex-post fact research design was used for this study. Secondary data were sourced from the publications of Nigeria stock exchange.

Inhumanity of man towards man whose unsettled existence as nothing but pathetic human predicament as pictured in m.r. anand’s coolie: An appraisal

This paper attempts not only to project Indo-Anglian literature as a mature and respectable genre of what is called ‘Commonwealth Literature’ with its inevitable stamp of Indianness but also to comment on the commendable contribution of the novelists like R.K.Narayan, Raja Rao, M.R.Anand, Kamala Markandaya to Indo-Anglian Fiction with a focus on the special contribution of Mulk Raj Anand introducing the new wave of idealism and humanism in Indo-Anglian fiction.

The development of artificial intelligence curriculum for adult learners at the adult education center of the palm beach county school district

Due to social, economical, physiological and technological changes in our environment, the School District of Palm Beach County is preparing to satisfy the learning needs of the adult learners by developing Artificial Intelligence courses that will enable them to adapt to changes in their environment. This calls for the implementation of an artificial intelligence systems curriculum as one of the preparation and several measures of adult student learning.

A study of agricultural finance by commercial banks in India: A case study of central bank of India

Agricultural finance possesses its usefulness to the farmers, lenders and extension workers. The economic principles of farm financial management facilitate in obtaining control over capital and its efficient use. The investment analysis pertaining to income, repayment capacity and risk bearing ability determine the amount of capital a farm business can profitably and safely use. Hence, the farmer can determine his credit worthiness and can put forth his loan application with confidence to lender. The present study an attempt to analyze the agriculture advances by commercial banks.