Social Sciences and Humanities

Prevalence of caries according to the socio-economic level in patients attentend in clinics' uaz, uv, uas, buap and uatlx

The socio-economic level is used to discriminate social, political, educational, consumption of products and media; Caries is a disease that occurs in all social strata. Objective. To determine the prevalence of caries with respect to the socio-economic level at university clinics. Methodology. Descriptive-transversal study. By compiling identification forms, AMAI questionnaire (8x7), CPOD. Results. 1416 patients were interviewed, with caries distributed: 74.7% UAZ, 89.1% UV, 60.4% UAS, 19.6% BUAP, 39.5% UATLX.

A study on online purchasing behaviour with special reference to virudhunagar town

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. The English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich invented online shopping in 1979. The study focuses on online shoppers’ preferences and problems on various online shopping marketers. Questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. The study area is restricted only in virudhunagar town with sample size of 250 respondents

Rural infrastructure road to progress

World Bank study estimate that has 15% of Agricultural of Produce is lost between the farm gate and the consumer because of poor roads and inappropriate storage facilities alone, adversely influencing the income of farmers. Poor rural road infrastructure limits the ability of the traders to travel to and communicate with remote farming areas, limiting market access from these areas and eliminating competition for their produce.

Economic analysis of rubber plantation- a case study of shivamogga district

Rubber is the minor plantation crop cultivated in Shimoga. Rubber is cultivated mostly in the southern district in Karnataka. The inputs like land, labour, capital etc., are most conspicuous in Shimoga district. Rubber predominantly rainfed crops in Shimoga. Hence, there are affected by weather fluctuation, which may have an impact on yield and return correspondingly, their supply may also be affected leading to high variability in prices. The higher cost of cultivation of rubber was primarily due to higher variable costs.

Print vs electronic resources: An analytical study of library services of crsu jind Haryana

Today it has been seen that most of the libraries related with higher education activities have both the type of information resources i.e. electronic resources as well as print resources. Due to many causes the proper utilization of e-resources remains always a field for study/research. In this paper I try to investigate the uses pattern and availability of electronically published information resources, databases and other materials in university library of Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana State.

Spiritual and emotional intelligences leveraging organizational commitment: The case of a tunisian university’s staff

Non cognitive intelligences are currently drawing the attention of researchers. The role of these intelligences is remarkable especially within the workplace. This study examines the influence of spiritual and emotional intelligences on the organizational commitment among a Tunisian university staff. 54 employees were surveyed through a questionnaire composed of: King’s (2008) spiritual intelligence scale (SISRI 24), the Wong and Law’s (2002) emotional intelligence scale (WLEIS) and the Meyer et al.’s (1993) six-item scales of affective, continuance and normative commitment.

Rural infrastructure in india - need for a freshlook

The Rural Road Development Vision Plan (NRDVP) found that investments in construction, upgrading and maintenance would need to increase from the current level of Rsr. 11,000 crores per annum to Rs. 29,000 crores per annum by the 14th Plan (2022-2027). The vision of rural housing is to promote sustainable and inclusive growth of rural India through multi-pronged strategy for eradication of poverty by increasing livelihood opportunities, providing social safety net and developing infrastructure for growth and improvement of quality in life of rural India.

Development and challenges of rural electrification

The Government in November 2009 approved the Jawaharal Nehru National Solar Mission, which creates policy conditions for quick renewable energy diffusion across the country. 20,000 MW of Solar energy is to be deployed by 2022 through leveraging domestic and foreign investments, engaging in research and development, manufacturing and development to make this sector competitive internationally. The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) estimates conservatively that the wind energy capacity in India could be 24 GW by 2020 and 30.5 GW by 2030.