Social Sciences and Humanities

Attributes of potential hydrocarbon reservoir sandstones in the sokoto sector of the iullemmeden basin: An outcrop analogue study

The Sokoto area of Nigeria is the southeastern margin of the very extensive (ca. 1 million km2) Iullemmeden Basin – an intracratonic depression in the Precambrian Basement Complex. The basin fill succession consists of the Late Jurassic continental facies and Cretaceous marine deposits topped by Mid-Paleogene continental facies. Impressive outcrops had spurred the search for petroleum in early colonial time but the poor showing of the earliest boreholes discouraged the efforts.

Tourists' satisfaction and loyalty to product quality of tourism destinations

Tourism is becoming the world's first industry due to its positive social, cultural and economic impacts, such as income generation and the impact on country's economic growth. Today, tourist satisfaction from quality of tourism product is a decisive factor for success in the competitive world of tourism industry. Because it affects the consumption of goods and services on holiday, fame, trust and future behavior.

Impact of demonetization on the indian economy

Demonetization announced on November 8, 2016 was aimed at dealing with corruption, black money, counterfeit currency and terror financing. Although demonetization holds enormous potential benefits in the medium to long-term, given the scale of operation, it was expected to cause temporary disruption in economic activity. Therefore, it is imperative to evaluate the short run and medium-term impacts that such a shock is expected to have on the economy. Further, the impact of such a move would vary depending on the extent to which the government decides to demonetize.

Experiential marketing as a moderating affect on exhibitor performance in international tourism trade shows

International tourism trade shows are an essential instrument in the marketing of goods and services. Trade shows establish direct relationships between supply and demand, and provide the opportunity for particular marketing activities. A growing body of academic and practitioner trade shows literature has highlighted the relationship between trade show marketing strategies and the trade shows performance. However, the effect of exhibitor experience in the international trade show marketing strategy and performance relationship has not been addressed in the literature.

English teachers and thelexical attrition of the sudanese basic school pupils

There are different variables involved in the teaching and learning process. Taha (1980) had already referred to three important elements in the equation: materials, teachers and teaching style, students and learning style. Each one of these variables and many other factors may be a cause of language attrition. The present paper investigates the phenomenon of language attrition among the basic school pupils; particularly, lexical or vocabulary attrition, i.e. why the linguistic information becomes inaccessible to the individual. There are many factors of language attrition.

Women work participation in India: A review

Gender equality and empowerment plays an important role in economic development. In India, despite the fact that female literacy and education enrollment rates have been rising, today it has lower levels of women’s workforce participation than many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. This paper is made an attempt to explore the major objectives like, to review the global trend of women work participation in general, to study the women work participation status in India and Karnataka and suggest steps to increase women work participation rate.

Teachers’ level of participation in management of change in relation to curriculum and instruction and its effects on teachers motivation in the selected secondary schools, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of teachers’ participation in management of change in relation to change relating to curriculum and instruction and its effect on teachers’ motivation. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of teachers’ level of participation in management of change in relation to curriculum and instruction and its effects on teachers’ motivation. The study was anchored on Change Management Model and Hertzberg Motivation Theory. The study used correlation design.

An economic analysis of pradhan mantri awas yojana – A study

Pradhan Mantra Awas Yojana scheme was introduced by government of India on 25th June 2015 This scheme by provide housing facilities for all urban poor families and PAMY has eradicated the poor families in urban area for making housing facilities. The central government provide finance throw bank and it give subsides to the people for BPL and APL families Etc This paper has analysis the financing problems of the Urban housing for poor families and Special view on the guild line of PMAY and issue.

Analysis of performance of rotating savings and credit associations in muthara division, kenya

This study examined the performance of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations’ (ROSCAs) socio-economic benefits to ROSCAs in Muthara Division Meru County, Kenya. The study objectives were to: determine the socio-economic characteristics of ROSCA members; find out the livelihood activities of ROSCA members; evaluate factors influencing women membership and their performance into ROSCAs and establish the influence of management practices on output performance of ROSCAS.