Social Sciences and Humanities

Sphinxism as a social phenomenon: the opposite reaction to moral panic toward women's plight and predicament

The article offers the term Sphinxism to describe a phenomenon whereby various modes of women's predicament is ignored by social agents; Sphinxism is a term we coin to describe cases in which a woman experience sorrow, however some people do not make any effort to help her on the micro or the macro level. We show that instead of expressing moral panic toward misbehavior against women, culturally inscribed social representations of women entail reactions of indifference, steadfastness and unshakeability by witnesses of women's suffering and plight.

Participation of tribal women in the governance of panchayat raj institutions with special reference to toda tribals, Tamil Nadu, India

The term ‘political participation’ has a very broad meaning. It is not only related to ‘Right to Vote’, but simultaneously it is related to participation in leadership, decision making process, political activism, political consciousness, etc. Women in India participate in voting, run the public offices and political parties at lower levels more than men. The Indian Constitution has been committed to introduce socio-economic and political transformation.

Architectural perspective of dwelling culture in monasteries a case of camaldolese in tanzania

This research has explored the complexity of dwelling culture in Monasteries. The rejection of gospel by the global society because of cultural changes, deterioration of faith and technological advancement is becoming more apparent. Specifically, nuns and monks want to “come out” of the traditional Confirned monasteries and integrate with global communities. The Church hierachy is aware of the need to integrate evangelical enculturation and modern architecture for more coherent architectural designs which support people’s feelings to comprehend contemporary monasteries.

Azolla feeding status and it’s benefit for livestock in Odisha

Improved & Crossbred livestock milk production depends mainly on adequate availability of nutrients. It comprises the major protein supply for milk production.The demand of milk is increasing for nutrition of population in country. Presently, Azolla fodder feeding is being considered essential for lactating animals.Azolla is nothing but floating fern in shallow water, which is very rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins (A, B12 Beta carotene).

Human resource relations with principal authority in manufecturing industry: Bangladesh perspective

At present manufacturingsector are happening due to low loss due to management and conflict between workers. Moreover, the current study has been designed to investigate the cause of the worker's relationship in Bangladesh's manufacturing sector. The response of the answer sheet has led to the main reasons for labor relations being discovered in top-level management.

Studies ofthe muqaddimah ibn khaldun pertaining to`umrantheory: An overview

This study examined the term “‘umran” introduced by Ibn Khaldun in his Muqaddimah in the 14th Century A.D. with the aim to identify the real meaning of the term through different studies made by Muslim scholars. The discussion begins with the contants of the Muqaddimah as understood by the Muslim scholars, followed by an analysis and comparision between `umran, `asabiyyah, and dawlah, which of the three is the main focus of the Muqaddimah.

Water demand in drought-prone areas of jalgaon district, Maharashtra State: Past, present and future

Water demand projections (WDPs) are widely used for future water resource planning. Accurate WDPs can reduce waste or scarcity associated with over development or under development of water resources. Considering that the projection period of some WDPs have now passed, this paper examines how closely such past projected withdrawals match current water withdrawals to identify lessons that can be learned and strengthen future studies on WDPs. Six WDPs conducted before 1990 and seven conducted after 1990 are analyzed in detail.

Cattle ranching: A catalyst for livestock development in Cameroon, 1974-2010

Over the years, livestock breeding especially cattle ranching is considered as one of the major economic activity that has contributed to modernise and improve on the traditional system of breeding. Due to increasing demand of cattle and its by-products, there was absolute need to transform the sector in order to perk up the quality and quantity of cattle production. Thus, this paper seeks to examine how cattle ranching is percieved as a mechanism to boost livestock production.

Théorie de la métamorphose dans l’écriture littéraire

En métamorphosant la réalité, l’écrivain, intervient dans la modification de la perception usuelle des choses au monde, au point de les présenter sous un aspect personnel. C’est ainsi que l’auteur a recours à des procédés pour s’exprimer avec un relent d’innovation. Cela étant, il advient que son écriture s’en ressent au niveau de l’expression, où un effort particulier est fait pour donner un cachet original à l’œuvre.