Social Sciences and Humanities

Gender: the cross-cutting issue in maternal mortality

High maternal mortality in African countries has often been linked to the practice of male dominance (patriarchy) or gender inequality. This study aimed to examine how gender inequality or patriarchy plays out in maternal mortality. A comprehensive literature search was conducted on Google Scholar database. Findings indicated that several cultural practices in African countries have had unfavorable effects on maternal health.

Technology transfer and biodiversity: analysis of brazilian legislation through the access and benefits sharing perspective

International agreements recognized the need to limit natural resources exploitation, as well as the fair and equitable access and benefits sharing from the genetic heritage.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian legislation, in particular on the new legal landmark for biodiversity.

Cricotracheal cylindromas- rare cases and review of literature

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of laryngotracheal areas are rare. They have no causal relation with smoking unlike the commoner squamous cell carcinoma of trachea and larynx. It is a low grade malignancy mainly affecting individuals of 4th-5th decade of life. They presents with breathlessness, cough and ocassionally hemoptysis and are misdiagnosed as asthma or reactive airway disease. The prolonged clinical course with late onset locoregional and or distant metastasis tends to be characteristic. Though they mandate surgical resection, adjacent critical structures hinder complete resection.

Role of food processing industry in make in India

The growth of the Food Processing Industry is broadly driven by the emerging customers and food service operator’s service industry in India. These industries now a day are ready to serve whatever the customer demand. Today, Indian’s are fond of taking dine outside in spite of food inflation. The governments have been already passed the food security bill in order to curb poverty and serve them from starvation. But on the other side, a huge section of the society has the appetite for eating out which tends to increasing number of restaurants, cuisines, food retail etc.

Effect of technical competence on firm performance

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of technical competence on the performance of firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange and the corresponding hypothesis was formulated and tested. The study targeted Human resource managers of each of the 64 firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange as at December, 2014, and 34 of them responded. The study adopted the positivist research philosophy and a descriptive survey design. SPSS Version 21 was used to analyze data using regression analysis.

The relationship between economic, the arrangement and infidelity factors towards the marriages’ divorce

This research to find out the influences’ factor of divorce in the marriage. The research methods are used is descriptive analysis and inferential. The result of this research is: there are relations between economic factors, arranged marriages and infidelity towards divorce in the marriage. It can be concluded that the occurrence of divorce in the marriage caused by economic factors, arranged marriages and infidelity.

A comparative evaluation of aptitude of student teachers of language towards their profession

The study was conducted to examine the aptitude of student teachers of language group towards their profession in Burdwan district of West Bengal, India. Aptitude may be considered to be qualities which all individual posses in varying degrees. There can be various kinds of aptitude like the art aptitude, scientific aptitude, mechanical aptitude, clerical aptitude, scholarly aptitude, and musical aptitude which can be measured through various aptitude tests. Teaching aptitude can be categorized as aptitude for professional work.

The effect of price perception and convenience online shopping towards customer satisfaction of batik products in Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to empirically prove price perception, information search convenience, and transaction process convenience on customer satisfaction to the batik products online. Quantitative approach was used in this research with 165 respondents as samples. The purposive sampling was used as the sampling technique. The result of the first hypothesis showed that the correlationbetween the price perception and the customer satisfaction was positive and significant.

Issues and challenges in the way of the people with disability regarding their participationn sport

In addition to physical, mental and social benefits of participation in sport, it also has the capacity to boost health and prevent some health deteriorating ailments. The benefits of sport are universal for all irrespective of age, class, section or gender including those with disabilities. Participation in sport on part of the people with disabilities promotes the spirit of inclusion, social poise, confidence and improves functional capacity of the different organs of the body.

The concept of nationalism and national identity: A study of the different characters psychological and physical displacement due to colonization in the novel the english patient by michael ondaatje

The aim of this paper is to explore the identity crisis in Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient from the postcolonial perspectives. Actually this novel has been discussed through the concept of nationalism, therefore gave more concentration towards the cultural, psychological and physical displacement due to colonization, exploration and the shifting notion from one place to another place. This paper’s main focus has centered aroundthe issues of national identities, the streams of European explorers, scientists and spies.