Social Sciences and Humanities

ISO 9001 Impact on operational performance

This paper summarizes the research on ISO 9001 certification impact on operational performance done in year 2000 up to the present year and will group the results based on variables affecting it. Sources from case studies, statistical reports and empirical studies have been analyzed to see if ISO 9001 has an effect in organization’s operational performance. An analysis on the most cited ISO 9001 sources was performed. Hypotheses are extracted and the outcome of it was used to define variables affecting operational performance of ISO certified companies.

Compensation equals motivation for delivery executives

With the advent to technology, the latest bug to hit all of us has been online shopping. It has spread like a viral fever due to reasons like easier access to internet services and most importantly we are able to buy everything under one roof. The paper is an attempt to delve into the lives of delivery executives of Pune and what the companies under the realm of E commerce have to offer to them. Compensation seems to play a major role in attracting and retaining its employees who either have just passed their 12th or even graduates who haven’t found a better alternative to this.

A market analysis of customer perception towards anti virus softwares

Antivirus is a solution which helps in detecting and blocking the programs of internet that threatens all the devices which comes from emails, websites and USB flash drives. Viruses once settled into the devices change the setting of the devices, slowdowns it and prohibit programs and files and let the hackers to hack all the personal data. The software of virus protection is designed for the devices to run seamlessly. This paper outlines the customer value proposition of antivirus across the software providers in India by targeting sectors like education, banking, automobile, IT etc.

Human trafficking beyond borders: challenges for public security in the transnational digital world

Digital information and communication technologies have increased sex traffickers’ reach and anonymity, potential victims’ vulnerability, and buyers’ selection, driving an explosion in criminal human trafficking and exploitation. Addressing the need for public security in this domain requires the use of these technologies via data aggregation, analytics and computational forensics.

Performance of the bureau of welfare as officers of south sulawesi provincial government budget user

The regional financial management is very influential on the destiny of a region because the area can be a strong area and powerful and able to develop or become helpless depending on how to manage the finances. Objective is SKPD Welfare Development Bureau 'society as Acting Budget users hearts Budget Management. The research method is basically the scientific method to obtain qualitative and quantitative analysis of data.

Acceptance of E-Government services among jordanian citizen

This study presents the importance of studying E-Government services in Jordan. This study attempts to examine the acceptance possibility of E-Government and the major factors impacting the application of E-Government in the context of Jordan citizens. A quantitative approach survey of 266 citizens was used in this study. The modified acceptance framework grounded on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model is employed for ascertaining the factors affecting the citizens’ intent to employ E-Government.

Principlas’ spiritual leadership and education management in improving the education quality of state islamic senior high school in serang municipality, banten, indonesia

This research is aimed to find out the relationship between spiritual leadership of Islamic school principals and education management toward the education quality of Islamic senior high schools based on the proposed hypotheses. The research was conducted in several state Islamic senior high schools under the authority of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Banten Province.

Improving the schools quality through the school leadership and emotional intelligence

This study aims to determine the relationship of school leadership and emotional intelligence on the quality of schools. This study uses quantitative methods through descriptive analysis of correlation and regression. The research data was collected using an instrument with a Likert scale. The instrument related to school leadership, emotional intelligence and the quality of schools. The sample in this research is the teachers who served in State Elementary School Kalideres Sub-district, West Jakarta.

Effect of repackaging on sales volume of companies: a case of cadbury nigeria plc and nestle nigeria plc

The package which is often seen as the “silent Salesman” plays a vital role in the marketing of a product. Packaging refers to all activities in the product planning that involves designing and producing the container or wrapper that holds the product. This study critically examined the effect of repackaging on sales volume/turnover of some selected food and confectionary companies in Nigeria. A two-stage purposive sampling technique was used in the selection of the sample size for the study.

The relationship between economic, the arrangement and infidelity factors towards the marriages’ divorce

This research to find out the influences’ factor of divorce in the marriage. The research methods are used is descriptive analysis and inferential. The result of this research is: there are relations between economic factors, arranged marriages and infidelity towards divorce in the marriage. It can be concluded that the occurrence of divorce in the marriage caused by economic factors, arranged marriages and infidelity.